- date : to see the date and time
- date 112503451982 : month,date,hour,minut,year
- cal : to see the calendar
- cal 2010 : to see the calendar of 2010
- cal 5 2010 : display the calendar of May 2010
- clear : to clear the screen
- ls : to see the list of dir and file
- useradd vishal : to create user with name 'vishal'
- passwd vishal : to set & also change password of user 'vishal'
- passwd : to root only
- passwd -d vishal : create user without password
- usermod -l n-name o-name : to rename user
- usermod -g group user : to add user in group
- useradd -n vishal : create user without duplicate directory
- userdel vishal : to delet user
- userdel -r vishal : Delet user with their directory
- rm -rf directory : forcefuly remove directory
- groups vishal : to see membarship of user
- vi /etc/passwd : see user directory
- groupadd sels : create group
- vi /etc/group : see group directory
- groupmod -n n-name o-name : rename group
- su macho : to login one user to other user (sudo passwd vishal)
- system-config- : to see graphycaly any configuration
- ctrl+shift-t : create a new Tab
- ctrl+PgUp/Dn : Switch to next/prev
- /usr/share/doc : to see file of any command
(cp,cd & ls -l /usr/share/doc/HTML/index.html)
- whatis cal : to see help about any calendar
- date --help : to see detailed help about date
- man ls : to see manual page about ls
- info history : to information of history
- which dir : to find path of any directory & command
=> Tilde ( ~ ) (May refer to your home directory)
cat ~/.bash_profile
ls ~sam/public_html
=> system-config-date to set date & time graphicaly
=> history (this command is used to see recently used command)
=> ping vishalvyas.com
=> ping -w4 vishalvyas.com
=> ping -c4 vishalvyas.com > test
=> ll >>test
=> renice 5 PID reduce the priority
=> kill 3428 used to kill particular process with pid
=> top (CLI) used to see process list, memory and cpu uses
=> gnome-system-monitor ( GUI )
=> ctrl+c fully stop
=> ctrl+d stop terminal
=> ctrl+z send the program into background or temp. halt (ping,firefox)
=> jobs used to check the program running into back.
=> fg 1 or 2 or 3 used to bring halt program to rerun
=> at 0630 to schedule these all jobs at 06:30
> mkdir /root/Desktop/macho
> useradd macho
> ls -l
> ctrl+d
Note : at command runs programme only ones at particular time
=> atq to see pending jobs
=> atrm 4 to remove job-no. 4
=> crontab -e this command is used to execute the job
manytime as you want (chep-4)
=> who | wc -l > abc.txt example of grouping multi command
=> date; who | wc -l >> abc.txt grouping command
=> $? used to check the last command status
0 for success
1-255 for error
=> date 010101012010
month : MM
date : DD
hours : hh
minute : mm
year : YY
above example will set the date
1st of JAn, at 01:01:01am. and the Year 2010
- startx : initialize an X session (if ur mode in text through this command u can get Graphical mode).
Vishal Vyas
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