Vim is a text editor written by Bram Moolenaar and first released publicly in 1991. Based on the vi editor common to Unix-like systems, Vim is designed for use both from a command line interface and as a standalone application in a graphical user interface. Vim is free and open source software,The name "Vim" is an acronym for "Vi IMproved"[6] because Vim is an extended version of the vi editor, with many additional features designed to be helpful in editing program source code.
Vim also has a built-in help facility (using the :help command) that allows users to query and navigate through commands and features.
VIM An Advanced Text Editor:-
=> Newer Virsion of VI, the standard Unix text editor
=> gvim : Graphical Version of vim
SPEED : Do more with fewer keystrokes
Simplicity : No dependence on mouse/GUI
Availability : Included with most Unix-like OSes
Difficulty : Stteper learning curve than simpler editors
Three Main Mode :-
Command Mode : Move cursor, cut/paste text, change mode
Insert Mode : Modify text
Ex Mode : Save, quit, etc
'Esc' key is used to exits current mode.
'EscEsc' always returns to command mode.
=> vim abc.txt : can edit the text file if existing or not
=> vim /etc/passwd
=> vim /tmp/file
i : begins insert end of line
A : Append to end of line
I : Insert at beginning of line
(small) o insert new a line (below of current line)
(caps) O insert new line ( above of current line )
EX MODE with ( : ) :-
:w : writes (saves) the file to disk
:wq : writes and quits
:q! : quits, even if changes are lost ( do not save )
COMMAND MODE ( Default Mode ) :-
Right Arrow ( -> ) moves right one character
5, Right Arrow ( 5 ->) moves right five (5) character
h move cursor to left
j move cursor to down
k move cursor to up
l move cursor to right
w move cursor by word ( forward )
b move cursor by word ( backward )
( move cursor by sentense ( forward )
) move cursor by sentense ( backward )
/xyz search the 'xyz' into the file (n,N) use for next,prev
This command will run in file --------------- {vi /xyz (filename)}
:%s/macho/dud/gi search & replace all macho to dud (gi- globely)
:1,5s/sam/sandy/ search & replace from line-1 to line-5
:5 move cursor to line no. 5
:G move cursor to the end of document
dd to delete current line
4dd to delete four line
yy to copy the line
5yy to copy five line
p/P paste the copied line or text
u undo
ctrl r redo
:set number set the line number in file
:set nonu remove the line number in file
NOTE ( try must / read must / do must )
if you have any query about vim please try 'vimtutor' command in terminal not in file
Vishal Vyas
Vim also has a built-in help facility (using the :help command) that allows users to query and navigate through commands and features.
VIM An Advanced Text Editor:-
=> Newer Virsion of VI, the standard Unix text editor
=> gvim : Graphical Version of vim
SPEED : Do more with fewer keystrokes
Simplicity : No dependence on mouse/GUI
Availability : Included with most Unix-like OSes
Difficulty : Stteper learning curve than simpler editors
Three Main Mode :-
Command Mode : Move cursor, cut/paste text, change mode
Insert Mode : Modify text
Ex Mode : Save, quit, etc
'Esc' key is used to exits current mode.
'EscEsc' always returns to command mode.
=> vim abc.txt : can edit the text file if existing or not
=> vim /etc/passwd
=> vim /tmp/file
i : begins insert end of line
A : Append to end of line
I : Insert at beginning of line
(small) o insert new a line (below of current line)
(caps) O insert new line ( above of current line )
EX MODE with ( : ) :-
:w : writes (saves) the file to disk
:wq : writes and quits
:q! : quits, even if changes are lost ( do not save )
COMMAND MODE ( Default Mode ) :-
Right Arrow ( -> ) moves right one character
5, Right Arrow ( 5 ->) moves right five (5) character
h move cursor to left
j move cursor to down
k move cursor to up
l move cursor to right
w move cursor by word ( forward )
b move cursor by word ( backward )
( move cursor by sentense ( forward )
) move cursor by sentense ( backward )
/xyz search the 'xyz' into the file (n,N) use for next,prev
This command will run in file --------------- {vi /xyz (filename)}
:%s/macho/dud/gi search & replace all macho to dud (gi- globely)
:1,5s/sam/sandy/ search & replace from line-1 to line-5
:5 move cursor to line no. 5
:G move cursor to the end of document
dd to delete current line
4dd to delete four line
yy to copy the line
5yy to copy five line
p/P paste the copied line or text
u undo
ctrl r redo
:set number set the line number in file
:set nonu remove the line number in file
NOTE ( try must / read must / do must )
if you have any query about vim please try 'vimtutor' command in terminal not in file
Vishal Vyas
Thanks for sharing .