Today is Internet Expansion Day

Today Internet technology will take one big step forward by moving to a new web protocol, i.e. IPv6 that will not only be a safe approach to inter;postID=2457728847953887105net but also help to develop trillions of new IP addresses.
“The Internet we’ve relied on so far has space for 2^32 addresses – about 4.3 billion,” Google says in an IPv6 Day blog post signed by its internet evangelist, Vint Cerf. “The new, larger IPv6 expands the limit to 2^128 addresses – more than 340 trillion, trillion, trillion!”

It has also been said that this development will help to make internet secure by protecting us from internet crime, warfare and terrorism. There is a security code referred to as IPSEC that would do away with anonymity on the web as reported by Prof. Alan Woodward, a professor at the University of Surrey in the UK. This code would help to catch cyber criminals.

“If IPv6 isn’t implemented you’d soon have to share a single address with multiple people or even a whole neighborhood. This tangled, constrained Internet would be unsafe and unsustainable,” added Cerf.
“Complete transition will take time. Some users may need to upgrade their home routers or possibly download updated operating system software to enable IPv6 in parallel with IPv4. If you’re interested in when you’ll get IPv6 connectivity (if you don’t have it already), we encourage you to reach out to your ISP and ask.”

Via:- Google Official Blog 

Vishal Vyas


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